The Blank Canvas Splattered! honors YOU for putting together a group of people with a dual purpose…Raising funds for a great cause AND doing it oriented around FUN! The Blank Canvas Fund Raising requires that your deepest goal is to better the physical, mental &/or spiritual well-being of a person or group of people. (All organizations are subject to approval of The Blank Canvas Splattered!) Goals that fit within these specs will allow The Blank Canvas Splattered! to lower pricing by $5 per person. (For example, with this discount, adult weekday fundraisers would cost $25 per painter and weekend parties would cost $30 per painter.)

The Blank Canvas encourages an array of organizations such as school boards, PTAs, church groups, health groups or social clubs to monopolize a painting event as a fund raiser. Here’s how…

Groups/organizations are encouraged to raise the admission price in order to donate the profit to their given organization. For example, many fundraising events have charged $40/$55+ per painter. The organization then donates the proceeds made.

When advertising your event, it is imperative to disclaim the name of the group/foundation/person to which money raised will be donated. It is also a nice gesture to disclose the final amount of money that will be donated, thanking your participants for participating in your cause. Please provide The Blank Canvas Splattered! with the number amount you have raised and donated as well…for book keeping purposes.

The minimum amount of painters for fundraising events ranges according to mileage. The minimum for fund raising starts at 16 people. The maximum is 40. For non-fundraising events, the host(ess) is free, but due to the cause of the event, we ask that the host(ess) contributes to their organization for fundraising purposes.

Thank you for your part in bettering the lives of all God’s creation!